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Farm Machinery & Power. Tractor, Types of tractors Cost analysis, Calculation, Primary & Secondary Tillage equipment.


It is a vehicle generally used in fields and for pulling trailers or many other agricultural equipment.
Tractor basically designed to provide high power or high effort at low speed.

Tractor Type

(a) Two wheel drive tractor-

In this tractor the power is only provided at rear (back) wheels and used for general purpose.
The front wheel of this type of tractors are smaller in size than rear wheels.

(b) Four wheel drive tractor-

In this tractor the power is provided at all four wheels (front & rear) and used for high tasks.
It can produce 60hp to 300hp depending on their engine size.

(c) Row crop tractors-

Row crop tractors  or standard row-crop tractor. The wheels (rear & front) are adjustable according to various farm operations.

(d) Orchard Tractors-

This tractors are specially design for tractors. 
orchard tractors are used for plucking fruits from trees and for trimming trees.

(e) High clearance tractors-

Ground clearance of these tractors are high and used for interculture, weeding, spraying, etc in crops.  

(f) Crawler Tractor-

Use for seedling, spraying, etc.
The crawler tractor are slow speed tractors. Some times its maximum speed are less than 1km/hr.

(g) Track type tractor-

This type of tractor have tracks (chain) in place of wheels.

Cost analysis of tractor power

Cost analysis is the calculation of cost used by machines per hour i.e. how much money machine was consumed in a hour like- fuel, repairing, machine owner charges, insurance, etc.
Cost analysis calculated mainly on two specification are- 
  1. Fixed Cost.
  2. Variable cost or operation cost.

Fixed Cost-

This cost is fixed whether the machine is in use or not.
Fixed cost like- interest, taxes, housing charges, etc.

Variable Cost-

Variable Cost is given only when the machine or other equipment is in use. 
Variable Cost like-Fuel, lubrication, servicing, labour charges, etc.

Calculation of fixed cost


It is the reduction in price of machines according to time.
Salvages value-
It is the 10% of the price of the machine.
Depreciation-PP-S V  
PP-Purchase Price
SV-Salvage Value
Age-Passage of time


Charges on borrowed money.
Interest=PP+SV *  i  
                   2       100
i=Interest Rate

Insurance & Taxes-

Insurance & Taxes= 1% of PP
Housing= 1%  of PP.

Familiarization with primary and secondary tillage implement

Primary Tillage Implement-

  • Wooden Plough,
  • Soil Turning Plough, 
  • Mouldboard plough,
  • Disc plough, 
  • Turn-wrest, 
  • Sub soil plough, 
  • Chisel plough, 
  • Rotary plough.

Mouldboard plough-

It is used for turn the upper layer of soil, it reduces weeds, kills pests and insects and bringing out nutrition at top of soil.

Disc Plough-

It is based on round disc which used to soil turning, soil mixing, soil breaking, etc.

Sub-Soil Plough-

It is used to break down hard layers or pans  (dense layer) without bringing them to the surface.
secondary .

Secondary Tillage Implement

  • Harrow
  • Disc harrow
  • Spike tooth harrow
  • Spring tooth harrow
  • Acne harrow
  •  Patela
  • Triangular harrow
  • Blade harrow
  • Guntaka, etc.


It is used in secondary tillage. Harrow is used for deeper tillage and for turning soil.                              

Disc Harrow-

A disc harrow is a harrow in which round metal disc are fitted which is used to breaking down the soil, creates  furrows, ridges, etc.

Spike Tooth Harrow-

It has spikes teeth that allows the soil for ploughing. removes weed, kills pests, etc.
Spike tooth harrow are available for animal and tractors both.

Acne Harrow-

This tool is used by animals.
In Acme Harrow the blades are curved and flat.
Acme harrow also known as blade harrow.


This tool is made with woodes
In patela number of steel hooks fixed in wooden plank.       

Implement for intercultural operations-

All the operations that is done at the time of between sowing and harvesting like- weeding, fertilizing, mulching, etc. are known as intercultural operations.
The machines and implements used in intercultural operations is known as intercultural equipment.

Hand Hoe-

It is a weeding tool.
It has iron blade and a wooden handle.
The handle is 30-40cm long.

Hoe come rake-

It is a multipurpose tool in which one side flat blade and another side spikes.
It is used for lighter operations.

Long Handle Weeder-

This tool is also known as dry land weeders.  
The diameter of this tool is 25mm.
1200 mm long conduit pipe on which 520mm long handle is fitted.


This tool removes shallow rooted weds in between rows.
In sweep the spikes goes at depth of 2 to 3cm and break the capillary in the soil pores and provides soil mulch.

Seed-Cum-Fertilizer drill-

This machines or tool contains see box, fertilizer box and metering mechanisms, etc.
The grooves of this tool is used to drill the seed in soil.

Pruning Shears-

It is also known as hand pruner or secateurs.
It is used on plants for pruning operations.

Calibration of seed drill-

It is the process by which we check the seed drill for correct seed rate is called calibration of seed drill.

Familiarization of plant protection Equipment (PPE)

Plant Protection Equipment-

Equipment that are used to protect plants and used to apply insecticides, pesticides, herbicides to the crop/plant to protect them from insects, pests and plant diseases.
Common PPE are sprayers and dusters.

Types of sprayers-

Bucket type sprayers-

Single or double pump are placed in bucket containing solution.
Generally, used on small garden or low trees.

Knapsack sprayers-

It is larger than  bucket type sprayer containing 9-22 liters tank.
Knapsack sprayer manage 0.4 ha in a day.
Spraying approx. 90 liter of solution.

Compression sprayer-

This type of sprayers comes with hand and foot compression.
Common component of this type of sprayers are chamber, pipe, nozzle, pump, handle, etc.
This type of sprayer capacity i9s approx. 14 liter.
For maintaining pressure frequent and rapid pumping is needed.

Hand Atomizer-

Smallest type sprayer.
Generally, used in garden or nursery.
Also used in house and shops to kill house fly.
Engine Powered Sprayer-
For spraying solution engine are fitted.
Engine powered sprayers are portable. It generates more pressure than compression sprayers.

Familiarization of harvesting and threshing equipment

  • Harvesting
  • Reaper
  • Reaper blinder
  • Swath
  • Sickle
  • Windrow
  • Windrower, etc.


Simple hand tool
For harvesting and cutting vegetable and other crops.
Consists of blade and wooden handle.


Used to cut grain crops.
Reaper can harvest 5-7cm above the ground level.


It is a harvesting machine consists of blade and handle.
Chopper cuts the crops or plants by inserting its blades.
Generally, used for harvesting of pineapple, coconut, banana stem, etc.

Threshing Equipment

Power Threshing-

It is a machine in which cylindrical shaped mover is moving by the help of electric motor or engine.
Modern Combine Harvester-
This machine is used for reaping, threshing, winnow.
Combine harvester is playing a great role for economically, labor saving, time saving.

Farm Machinery & Power. Sources of power, IC engine, Working, Stroke engine, Terminology, Differential and Final Drive.


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