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Farm Machinery & Power. Sources of power, IC engine, Working, Stroke engine, Terminology, Differential and Final Drive.

Farm Machinery & Power

Farm power

The energy that is utilize in the agricultural field by human, animal and machines and those energy measure in power.

Status of farm power in India

The farm power of India is continuously increasing.
The increase in farm power of India is about 0.30 kw/ha in 1960-61, 2.02 kw/ha in 2013-14 as increasing.

Sources of farm power 

The farm power sources are as follows-
  1. Human power
  2. Animal power 
  3. Mechanical power
  4. Electrical power
  5. Renewable energy.

Human power-

  • It is the main source of power in agriculture field.
  • Human power is used for watering, threshing, cutting, for protection field planting and many more labour work 
  • The human power generate approx. 0.1hp as in 

Animal power-
  • Animal generate approx. 1hp for farm work.
  • Bulls, Donkey, Elephant, etc are some animals that help in agricultural field. 

Mechanical power-

Mechanical power like tractor, generator, thresher, tillers are helpful for cutting, irrigating, ploughing of fields. 
Electrical Power-
the power generate by electrical machines like- motor, electric generator are called electrical power.
Electrical power mostly use for irrigation, cold storage, fruit industry, etc.
Renewable Energy-
The energy i.e. obtain from sun, wind, biomass are known as renewable energy.
Solar Panels, Windmill are the renewable energy collector.

I.C Engine

IC Engine
  • Internal Combustion(IC) Engine.
  • IC Engine is a device that converts thermal energy (heat energy) into mechanical energy.
  • In this engine the fuel (kerosene, diesel, petrol) are mixed with air in the engine chamber from which energy was produced.

Working principles of IC Engine-

Basically, IC engine work on the principle of ideal gas law.
Ideal gas law :PV=nRT.
n-Amount of substance
R-Ideal gas constant
 In this IC engine the more temperature of gas increase the more gas was expand.
In the chamber of IC engine the fuel is mixed with air and after process of oxidizing through  oxidizer the energy was produced.

Comparison of two stroke and four stroke engine-

  • Four stroke engine is generally heavier than two stroke engine.
  • In the two stroke engine the oil is pre-mixed with the fuel.
  • In four stroke engine their is no need to pre-mix the oil because they have separate chamber for oil.
  • In four stroke engine piston complete two-stroke (i.e. two up-two down) at a time.
  • In two stroke engine piston complete one stroke (i.e. one up-one down) at a time.

Component of an IC Engine-

Component of an IC engine are as follows-

  • Cylinder Block
Cylinder Block.
It is the main frame of engine which support cylinders and cylinders of IC engine are fixed on it.
  • Piston

Piston is a cylindrical shaped material which is used to fix engine cylinder.

Piston Ring-

Piston Ring

Piston ring is used to seal  piston and cylinder wall.   
Piston ring maintain gas compression between piston and cylinder wall.  

Combustion Chamber-

Combustion Chamber

In combustion chamber the engine produced the thermal (heat) energy.



Crankshaft is a component of IC engine that converts up-down motion of piston into rotatory (round) motion to the output shaft.

Spark Plug-

Spark Plug
Spark plug produce sparking to start combustion process.

Oil filter- 

Oil Filter
For filtering oil.

IC Engine Terminology


The diameter (breadth) of the cylinder is known as bore.


One complete up-down  of piston is known as stroke.


Top Dead Center (TDC) When piston stops far from crankshaft the position is known as TDC. 
Some people call this position Head End Center (HEAD).


When piston stops near the crankshaft the position is known as Bottom Dead center (BDC).

Swept volume/Displacement volume-

The distance travel by piston in one stroke.

Horse power-

The power/energy generated by engine was measured in horse power.


it is a type of force, this force responsible for rotatory motion.

Familiarization with different system of I.C engine

Air Cleaning-

Air Cleaning is used for filter the air before entering the combustion chamber.
Three types of air cleaner used in tractor are-
  1. Oil Wetted Mesh type
  2. Dry air type
  3. Wet type or oil bath.

Oil Wetted Mesh type-

The copper or nylon mess wire are used to block the dust particle of air.

Dry air type-

This type of air cleaner has three main parts from which the air passes through and the dirt are blocked by those three layers.

Wet type or Oil type-

The air passes through different-different layer like in dry air type but in wet type the layers of air cleaner the oil droplets are present that stuck dirt on them.

Cooling Lubrication-

Cooling lubrication are used to decrease or control the engine temperature.
There are two types of cooling system are-
  1. Air cooling system.
  2. Water cooling system.

Air cooling system-

In this system the extra heat of engine was decreased by air stream and the air is obtained from atmosphere.

Water cooling system-

Water cooling system work more efficiently than air cooling lubricants.
Water continuously move through engine to radiator. The hot water cool down in radiator and again passes through the engine.

Fuel Supply-

Fuel supply is done by gravity when the fuel tank is fixed at height or above the engine.
When fuel tank is placed below the IC engine we use fuel feed pump that create pressure so the fuel moves into the engines.


Hydraulic is system in tractors used for lowering, raising and for holding.

Hydraulic Control System-

The hydraulic pump collect oil from oil reservoir/oil tank and send them to the control valve with high pressure.
Control Valve send the oil to the hydraulic cylinders and through hydraulic cylinders oil goes to the piston which results to raise the arms of machines.

Familiarization with power transmission system

Basic functions of transmission system are-

  • To control vehicle or vehicle speed.
  • For moving vehicles forward and backward.
  • To connect or distribute power.
  • Distribute power from the engines to the wheel.

Basic components of power transmission system are-


It is a mechanical device which is used to connect or disconnect the power between driving shaft and driven shaft. 

Gear box-

Gear box is a device used to control speed (increase or decrease) of the vehicle.

Differential and Final Drive

Differential unit-

It is a set of gears which works together.
The use of differential unit is to increase or decrease the speed of one side wheel so that vehicle can easily turn on curved path or on turning point.

Final drive-

It is used to decrease the permanent speed of vehicle.
Final drive used to turn drive in 90o  which means final drive change rotary motion into 90o 

Farm Machinery & Power. Tractor, Types of tractors Cost analysis, Calculation, Primary & Secondary Tillage equipment, Intercultural operation, Plant protection equipment, thresher and harvester.


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