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  Agriculture   Agriculture? Agriculture is the way of  growing crops, making soil more fertile and producing more and more food and many more desirable product. Agriculture plays a vital role in our day today life directly or indirectly. The practice of agriculture is known as farming. Agriculture sector gives approx 60% of employment in India. India is the world's largest producer of pulses, rice, wheat, spices and spice products. It is said that agriculture is an art and science. Why agriculture is an art? Agriculture is the work of human creativity, imagination and techniques. Why agriculture is a science? In agriculture we use technologies, scientific principles, crop breeding, using different- different methods for  maximum yield. Father of agriculture  Norman Ernest Borlaug . Father of Indian Agriculture  M.S.Swaminathan . First crop cultivated in Agriculture Era was  Wheat&Barley . 3rd December, celebrated as  "Agriculture Education Da...

Agriculture Microbiology

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Principle of Integrated Disease Management.

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