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IPR & Organisations



Intellectual Property Rights.

It is a right applied for innovation invention or any new idea to protect name for certain time duration.

Basically, IPR reduce the chance of theft of ideas or inventions.

It is not just securing of ideas also the time, value, tools, efforts and sacrifices that are used by a person to making  this idea workable.

The first law on patent was pass in Venice (1474).

Meaning of IP:

Intellectual properties are the things which are created by a person mind like- design symbol, artistic work, computer programs etc.

Types of IP:

The following are the types of IP are-
  • Trademarks
  • Patents
  • Copyrights
  • Trade secrets,etc.

The unique or special symbols or design or character are called trademark.

Legal rights given to a person so their process of product not given to someone else.
Patent is an intellectual property right helpful for keeping the invention to a particular individual without any copying of it for a particular time duration i.e. 20 years.

How to patent file of product?

  • File preparation
  • File review
  • Draft application
  • Examination request.
In India patent system work as following- 

1.File preparation- 

In this we give detail related to our product/invention like- ideas, concept, advantage or disadvantages description of the product, etc.

2.File review-

The product are applicable for patent or not.
Under section 3 and 4 of patent act 1970 that are mentioned in that which products are not eligible for patent.

3. Draft Application-
Apply an application to the patent office that is in Delhi.

Application aur of two types for patent of products-

(a) Complete specification application-
This application is workable when our idea or invention or product is fully completed.
After filling this application our product were published after 18 months.

(b) Provisional application-
This application is filled when our product is in working stage to get the security on the product procedure.
After filling this application we get 12 months time for completing our invention.

4.Examination request-
The invention are examining like-
It is unique, valuable or other criterias.
The objections are common while examine individual or patentee have to explain it.

It is the right to "not copy"  the ideas of creative it includes artistic, sound recording, cinematographic, etc.

Agreements & Organisation-


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

It is an agreement on which to trade other countries product by reducing the extra tariffs and other duties or barriers.

GATT was signed by 23 nations in Geneva on 13th October 1947.

GATT was later executed because of lots of disappointing codes and meetings of countries. 

The meetings for GATT pros./cons. are following-
  • 1st round for GATT -1947 i.e. (Geneva round)
  • 2nd round for GATT -1949 i.e. (Annecy round.
  • 3rd round for GATT - 1950-51 i.e. (Torquay round).
  • 4th round for GATT - 1956 i.e. (Geneva- 2nd round).
  • 5th round for GATT - 1960-61 (Dillon round).
  • 6rh round for GATT - 1964-67 (Kennedy round).
  • 7th round for GATT - 1973-79 (Tokyo round).
  • 8th round for GATT - 1986-1993 (Uruguay round).

The dropdown in world's economy and crash of worlds market after World war-2 is the reason to promote GATT show the chances of economic fluctuations will reduce.

The GATT came into power in January 1,1948.

At this time 125 Nations were ready to sign this agreement.


WTO came into existence after GATT as we can say WTO is the successor of GATT.

WTO works more efficiently than GATT.

WTO is the only organisation working on global level that regulate international trade between countries.

WTO existence is in- 1 January 1995.
There are 164 members.
The WTO is regulated by their member.
 The decision passed out by WTO is depend on its member states.
Headquarter- Geneva, Switzerland.

Principles of WTO-
1. Non-discrimination.
WTO member apply the same condition with other WTO members without any negotiation.

2. National treatment
In this the foreign goods and national goods are treated same that is without any increase or decrease of text or any other terms and conditions.

3. Reciprocity
WTO member countries do things required for each other.
E.g. If a WTO member country reduced the tariffs on any product then the another country have to do so.


World Intellectual Property Organisation.

This organisation is working on global level for the protection of industrial property and for copyrights.

In industrial property it includes- invention, trademarks and designs.

In copyright it includes- literacy musical korma photography and other district works.

WIPO headquarter- Geneva, Switzerland.

Established- 14.July 1967.
Members- 193 countries
Head- DG Daren Tang.

Trips agreement

Trips agreement stands for Agreement on Trade-Related aspects of intellectual Property Rights.

It is an agreement passed by WTO members for strong production for IPR.

TRIPS provide more protection for IPR and also gives permission to make on regulations on national level to ensure security of rights.

The member country are free to set their own rules on product with legal provisions.



Great work and great blog by great people.
Love from Zmarks classes
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