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Geo-informatics and Nano-technology


It is the advanced technology which is used for analyzing the earth's surface from the space.
In Ag. point of view, the geo-informatics is helpful in analyzing soil data and also provide us the information i.e. which type of crop should planted at particular place at that particular time.
Geo-informatics plays a great role for enhancing the production of the farmers by giving the future geographical.

Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based tool used to collect, store, analyze, and display geographic information. GIS allows us to visualize and understand patterns and relationships within data that are associated with a specific location on the earth's surface.

GIS is used in a variety of fields, including urban planning, natural resource management, epidemiology, and environmental science. It can help us answer questions like "Where are the vulnerable populations in a city?" or "What is the best location for a new park?"

Some key concepts of GIS include layers, data types, and data sources. Layers refer to the different types of information that can be mapped, such as roads, buildings, or rivers. Data types include point, line, and polygon features, which can represent different geographic features on a map. Data sources refer to the different types of data that can be used in a GIS, including satellite imagery, aerial photography, or ground-based surveys.

GIS can be used to create maps and perform spatial analyses, such as measuring the distance between two points or identifying areas that meet specific criteria. Overall, GIS is a valuable tool for understanding the world around us and making informed decisions based on location-based data.

Concept of Geo-informatics-

Geo-informatics concept is basically computer based technology used for capturing, storing, processing, showing geographical data of earth's surface.
Geo-informatics concept is for cartography, GPS, flow chart, soil information of a particular piece of land.

Branches of Geo-informatics-

1. Cartography-
                      Mapping of a particular place in scientific technique.
2. Geodesy-
                     Measuring of Earth by three fundamental properties are-
               (a) Shape
               (b)Orientation in space
               (c)Gravity field.
It also provide or analyze how three fundamentals are change according to time.

3. Photogrammetry-
                     As by name, it take photos of Earth's surface for measuring and mapping of it.

4. Remote sensing-
             It takes aerial photography of the surface.
 Hyper-spectral imaging, thermal imaging, microwave and RADAR imaging system to collect  data more accurately.

5.Spatial Analysis-
                     It analyze the object based on topological, geometric and geographic properties.

6. Web Mapping-
                     Web mapping is the process that enables the geospatial mapping on the internet.

7. Global navigation Satellites Systems-
                    In this satellites are able to provide accurate position of things that are on the surface of earth or any other planet.

Precision Agriculture

Precision Ag. is the science that introduce the new technologies for collecting the information related to farmer's field.
Technologies of Precision Ag. are- Drones, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and irrigation technologies.

Crop Discrimination

Crop Discrimination is defines as classification of crops on the basis of seasonal, phenological stages, pigment formation, spatial arrangement.

Soil Mapping

Basically, soil mapping is the geographical representation of soil.
It also shows soil type and soil properties like- soil, pH, textures, organic matter, etc.

Fertilizer recommendation using geospatial technology

Generally the technologies are used for fertilizer recommendation are- GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing. 
Fertilizer are applied on the field by analyzing the field and field are analyzed by geospatial technologies.
so, the fertilizer are applied on actual amount that the crops are needed.
Fertilizer can also implemented to ensure to get maximum output.

Spatial Data

It is a geographical data which provide us information related to a particular location.
Spatial data is processed by GIS in PA.

Remote Sensing Concept and application in Ag.

Remote sensing is for determining the moisture percent in the soil.
Remote sensing helpful for growing of crop based on moisture level.
Remote Sensing is also for analyzing future production and determining the crop damage.

Remote Sensing is the method of identifying the physical characteristics of a particular area by using of satellite. 

Image Processing

In Ag. sector, image processing is used for determining the mapping, canopy measurement, vegetation, etc.

Image Interception

Image interception is the process of identifying a image i.e. aerial photo or digital remote sensing image by manually identifying the features of the image.


(Global Positioning System)
GPS provide geographical coordinates of an object.
It is a system for showing the location of the earth from  the space with the help of satellites.
It work as accurate tracking system which store and transfer to the receiver.
GPS gives a  farmer accurate detail about their farms, it also reduce the man power as  in future the GPS take over all the work done by the farmer like- levelling, planting, irrigation, etc.

Component of GPS-

Generally, GPS has three basic components are-
a- Satellites (Space component)
b- Ground station (Control Component)
c- Receiver (User Segment)

a- Satellites
               Artificial stars which revolves in the earth's surrounding and gives us signals or waves.

b- Ground station 
               It is for detecting the satellite position and for controlling them.

c- Receiver-
          It receives the signal from satellites.

Functions of GPS

In Ag. GPS gives our farmer accurate navigation to their farms year after year, collect details of their crops.
GPS also work as positioning to map-pest, insect and weed infestation in the field.


Nano-technology is a science which are used to make matter in an atomic level.
Nano-technologies are worked in different-different fields like- electronics, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, etc as well as in agriculture.
In Ag. Nano-technology is used to make nano-chemicals  which work as fertilizer, pesticides, etc to enhance the farmers productivity.
In nano-technology the nanoparticles varies from 1nm to 100nm.


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