Integrated Disease Management(IDM)
Integrated Disease Management IDM is a process of controlling pathogenic activities by different-different tactics.
IDM is specially used when the disease is reached on economic threshold levels.
Economic threshold means when loss of money is greater than cost of treatment of crops.
IDM promotes bio-agent in the crop ecosystem.
Importance of IDM
- Makes plant health and improves its quality, make them disease free.
- Promotes bio-agent.
- Reduce the need of pesticides and fungicides by IDM.
- Reduce chemical use in plants.
Component of Integrated Disease Management-
- Host resistance.
- Biological control.
- Cultural control
- Chemical control.
- Physical Methods.
1. Host resistance-
Resistance protects the plant from several pathogen and diseases.
Resistance plays a vital role to increase tolerance level in the plant.
2. Biological Control-
In biological control method pathogen effect i.e. harmful for crops reduces by other living organisms.
e.g. hyper-parasites.
3. Cultural Control-
Cultural practices like tillage, mulching, time of sowing.
When cultural practices are combined they kill the pathogens as well as increase the yield.
e.g. Inter-cropping of maize and sorghum with peppers, protects the crop from aphid vectors of pepper veinal mottle virus and also reduces the virus spread.
4. Chemical control-
Chemical control use in the early stages of disease.
Chemicals like- fungicides, insecticides and herbicides.
5. Physical Methods-
Many tactics used in physical methods, some of them are-
6.Soil Solarization-
This tactics is used for controlling soil borne disease.In wheat, solar heat treatment is used in which wheat seed soaked 5.6 hours. in May-June, beneficial for control of smut of wheat.
Economic importance of disease are-
- More loss of crop like famine affects on country GDP.
- Diseases on crop affect on their quality and yield.
- Disease on crop affect their profit.
- High area affected by disease i.e. famine are result in starvation.
- Diseases on crop affect on increase rate of vegetable or other edible crops.
Disease in plants are detected by directly or indirectly.
In indirect disease detection method, we observe the crop/plant morphological change (small in size or physical changes) change in temperature, change in transpiration rate, etc.
In direct disease detection method the samples of crop are tested in lab and analysis of disease causing pathogens.
Common indirect method for disease detection are-
- Thermography.
- Fluorescence imaging.
- Hyperspectral.
1. Thermography-
This method is used for testing the difference in temperature of leaf and canopy of a plant.
2. Fluorescence imaging-
In this method the chlorophyll fluorescence is measured from the leaves.
The method of fluorescence is that a dye absorbed by plant just like water after that the fluorescence that is absorbed by plant can be seen in fluorescence microscope.
3. Hyperspectral-
This method is used for observing quality or functions of plants such as growth, yield, genetic characteristics, etc.
Diagnosis of plant disease-
Diagnosis of plant disease is a science and used for identifying or detecting the disease in plants.
In diagnosis we also identifying the casual agent.
Some techniques for diagnosis of diseases are-
- Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
- Immunofluorescence (IF)
- Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH)
- Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
- Flow cytometry (FCM)
- Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
PCR stands for Polymerase chain reaction.
The purpose of making copies is to analysis of DNA when not enough DNA or gene isn't present.
2.Immunofluorescence (IF)
Immunofluorescence is a method for detecting pathogens in seeds and plants.
3. Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH)
This techniques is used for identifying chromosomes in many plant species.
It also helps in solving problems in mutation, evolution and internal micro structure in plants.
4.Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)-
ELISA is used for detecting the presence of antigens or antibodies.
5. Flow cytometry (FCM)
FCM in plants are used for counting cells, cell's property measuring and also for biomarkers detection (biomarker-molecules that detect disease or abnormality).
6. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
This technology is used for detecting the presence of phytochemicals in plant tissues.
(Phytochemicals are compounds in plant found in beans, fruit, vegetable, grains, etc.)
Survey surveillance and forecasting of Insects pest
Survey- Collecting data of a particular place.
Surveillance- When survey carried out at regular interval of time to record or observe changes in the subject (place or thing) is known as surveillance.
Forecasting means predict
Survey and surveillance of insects pest in IDM is takes place for measuring pest type, pest population or damage in crops because of pests.
Forecasting of insect pest in IDM plays a vital role for predicting future population of pests and damage by pest.
Survey are of two types-
1. Qualitative.
2. Quantitative.
1. Qualitative survey is for measuring the type, species, and other features of pests or insects.
Safety issues in pesticides
Safety issues in pesticides uses are-
- Wear long cloths like long shirts with long sleeves, long pants and shoes for protecting yourself in direct contact of chemicals.
- Mix pesticides in outdoor and keep out of reach of children.
- Always read the label direction that is written on the pesticides
- Wear glasses or gloves while using pesticides.