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Showing posts from September, 2020

Dairy Science- Milk, Dairy, Concept of Dairying, Dairy in India, Dairy Development in Different five years plans.

                                                      Milk Milk is a liquid food and it is said to be nearly complete food, it secreated from mammary gland of female animals. It is reach in vitamins, proteins, fat and specially in rich source of calcium, phosphorus and  excellent source of vitamin A. Milk is poor source of Iron And Vitamin C. The colour of cow's milk is light yellow because of presence of Carotene. The colour of buffalo milk is white because of Casein. The boiling point of milk is 100.17 0 C. Dairy It a place where milk and milk products like- cheese, butter, ghee, etc are stored. Dairying Dairying is the business for selling dairy products. Concept of Dairying Dairying is the oldest form of economic supporter. In ancient era, goat, sheep, buffalo, cow, etc are the main sources of milk.  Dairying concept starts from ancient tim...

Farm Machinery & Power. Tractor, Types of tractors Cost analysis, Calculation, Primary & Secondary Tillage equipment.

Tractor It is a vehicle generally used in fields and for pulling trailers or many other agricultural equipment. Tractor basically designed to provide high power or high effort at low speed. Tractor Type (a) Two wheel drive tractor- In this tractor the power is only provided at rear (back) wheels and used for general purpose. The front wheel of this type of tractors are smaller in size than rear wheels. (b) Four wheel drive tractor- In this tractor the power is provided at all four wheels (front & rear) and used for high tasks. It can produce 60hp to 300hp depending on their engine size. (c) Row crop tractors- Row crop tractors  or standard row-crop tractor. The wheels (rear & front) are adjustable according to various farm operations. (d) Orchard Tractors- This tractors are specially design for tractors.  orchard tractors are used for plucking fruits from trees and for trimming trees . (e) High clearance tractors- Ground clearance of these tractors are high and used fo...

Farm Machinery & Power. Sources of power, IC engine, Working, Stroke engine, Terminology, Differential and Final Drive.

Farm Machinery & Power Farm power The energy that is utilize in the agricultural field by human, animal and machines and those energy  measure in power. Status of farm power in India The farm power of India is continuously  increasing. The increase in farm power of India is about 0.30 kw/ha in 1960-61 , 2.02 kw/ha in 2013-14 as increasing. Sources of farm power  The farm power sources are as follows- Human power Animal power  Mechanical power Electrical power Renewable ene rgy. Human power- It is the main source of power in agriculture field. Human power is used for watering, threshing, cutting, for protection field planting and many more labour work  The human power generate approx. 0.1hp as in  Animal power- Animal generate approx. 1hp for farm work. Bulls, Donkey, Elephant, etc are some animals that help in agricultural field.  Mechanical power- Mechanical power like tractor, generator, thresher, tillers are helpful for cutting, irrigating, plou...

Crop Production Technology-1 (Kharif Crop)

 Cowpea Cowpea -Vigna unguiculata Origin- Originated in Africa and widely grown in Africa. Geographical Distribution- Major cowpea growing countries are- Nigeria, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Thailand. Climate- It needs warm weather and semi-arid crop where temperature ranging from 20 o C-30 o C. It can grow under shade of tree but cannot tolerate cold or frost. Soil- Well drained loam or slightly heavy soil are best suited. It can grow in acid soil but cannot in alkaline(basic) soil. Varieties- Grain- C-152, Pusa Phalguni, Amba(V-16). Fodder- GFC-1, GFC-2, GFC-3, GFC-4,etc. Sowing of Seed- Time of sowing is depend on variety. Kharif Crop- With starting of monsoon ranging from early June-end of July. Rabi crop- November  (Southern India) Summer:2nd-4th week of March(grain), February(fodder). Hills: April-May. Seed Rate- Pure Crop:20-25 kg/ha(grain) Fodder and Green Manuring:30-35 kg/ha. In Summer, 30 kg/ha for grain and 4 kg/ha for fodder. Spacing- Row to row 30 cm bushing to 45 cm ...