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Showing posts from December, 2021

IPR & Organisations

  IPR Introduction: Intellectual Property Rights. It is a right applied for innovation invention or any new idea to protect name for certain time duration. Basically, IPR reduce the chance of theft of ideas or inventions. It is not just securing of ideas also the time, value, tools, efforts and sacrifices that are used by a person to making  this idea workable. The first law on patent was pass in Venice (1474). Meaning of IP: Intellectual properties are the things which are created by a person mind like- design symbol, artistic work, computer programs etc. Types of IP: The following are the types of IP are- Trademarks Patents Copyrights Trade secrets,etc. Trademark- The unique or special symbols or design or character are called trademark. Patent- Legal rights given to a person so their process of product not given to someone else.                         OR Patent is an intellectual property right helpful for keeping...