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Showing posts from November, 2020

Principle of Integrated Disease Management.

Integrated Disease Management (IDM) Integrated Disease Management IDM is a process of controlling pathogenic activities by different-different tactics.  IDM is specially used when the disease is reached on economic threshold levels. Economic threshold means when loss of money is greater than cost of treatment of crops. IDM promotes bio-agent in the crop ecosystem. IDM diseases are- Buruli ulcer, Chagas disease, Human African trypanosomiasis, leishmaniasis and yawn. IDM is the practice used for manage and prevent the crops from disease. Importance of IDM Makes plant health and improves its quality, make them disease free. Promotes bio-agent. Reduce the need of pesticides and fungicides by IDM. Reduce chemical use in plants. Component of Integrated Disease Management- There are many components in IDM but mainly their are four- Host resistance. Biological control. Cultural control Chemical control. Physical Methods. 1. Host resistance- Resistance protects the plant from several pathog...