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Showing posts from February, 2021

Environmental Studies.

                    Terminology Environment-  The living and non-living things that has some effect in our surrounding is known as environment. Ecology-  This word is coined by Ernest Haeckel in 1869. Ecology is the branch of biology which deals with how an organism interact with their surrounding. Ecosystem- This word is coined by A.G. Tansley in 1935. Ecosystem is defined as biotic and abiotic components are live in a specific environment. Ecotone- It is the imaginary line that divides two ecosystem. Niche- A place where an organism live, perform their daily tasks like eating, hunting or other daily activities. Biodiversity- Different-Different living organisms live together in an ecosystem. Ecology Succession- It is the process of change in the structure of ecosystem according to time. Biotic Component- Basically, all the living this is known as biotic component. e.g. animal, plant, aquat...